

Yekaterinburg, 14 to 17 July 2022
The Soul of Europe – Experiencing Thresholds

Program download

The conference takes place in the Hotel AVS, Respublikanskaya ulitsa 1, Yekaterinburg, (see Accomodation)

All contributions will be translated into German, Russian and English

Wednesday, July 13, 2022
10 am to approx. 7 pm Excursion – destination still open (see Excursions)
Thursday, July 14, 2022
10 am to approx. 2 pm Excursion to the Old City of Yekaterinburg and the Museum of
Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art History (see Excursions)
3 to 4.30 p.m. Registration and coffee
4.30 to 6 p.m. Eurythmic introduction
Welcoming words
Olga Kornienko, on behalf ot the organisation group of Yekaterinburg
Gerald Häfner, on behalf of the Section of Social Sciences at the GoetheanumOlga Kornienko
The Urals: Boundaries – crossings – encounters
6.15 pm Supper
7.30 pm Hans Hasler
Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals – 11th Conference “The Soul of Europe”
Friday, July 15, 2022
9.00 a.m. Eurythmy: The Foundation Stone Meditation (see Eurythmy)
Nodar Belkania
Recognizing, Acknowledgement and Overcoming Boundaries
Plenum conversation
10.30 a.m. Coffee break
11.00-12.45 a.m. Conversation in small groups
1 p.m. Lunch
3 to 4.30 p.m. Artistic activities and conversation groups
4.30 p.m. Coffee break
5 to 6 p.m. Contribution:
Pjotr Abramov
Europe The Spiritual Syntesis of East and West.
Translation of Literature in the Light of Anthroposophy and Language Science
Plenum conversation
6.15 p.m. Supper
7 p.m. The Theater-Studio Eurythmy Saint Petersburg invites to the program
«To listen – to be – to create: the breathing of time» (see Eurythmy)
Saturday, July 16, 2022
9.00 a.m. Eurythmy: The Foundation Stone Meditation (see Eurythmy)
Andrej Zhiltsov
Borderlines as Relation and as Alienation. Motives Concerning the East-West Issue in Europe.
Plenum conversation
10.30 a.m. Coffee break
11.00-12.45 a.m. Conversation in small groups
1 p.m. Lunch
3 to 4.30 p.m. Artistic activities and conversation groups
4.30 p.m. Coffee break
5 to 6.15 p.m. Contribution
Arie van Ameringen
The «I» organisation and the Crossing of Boundaries.
The Challenge today of the Limits of the Human Being
Plenum conversation
6.15 p.m. Supper
7.30 p.m. Social evening
Sunday, July 17, 2022
9.00 a.m. Contributions
Oleg Bogarjov
Experience and Overcoming of Borders in the Epoch of Human Freedom
Paul Mackay
The challenge to Experience Boundaries as Thresholds
Plenum conversation
10.30-11.00 a.m. Caffee break
11.00-12.45 a.m. Gerald Häfner
The Soul of Europe – A Contribution to Overcoming of borders?Final Plenum Conversation
Eurythmy: the Foundation Stone Meditation (see Eurythmy)
1 p.m. Lunch
2 to approx. 7 p.m. Visit of the Nevyansk Icon Museum (see Excursions)
Monday, July 18, 2022
10 a.m. to approx. 7 p.m. Excursion to the Oleni Ruchi Natural Park (see Excursions)

All contributions will be translated into English, German and Russian

Artistic and conversation groups
Friday and Saturday 15.00-16.30
Gruppe 1
Nodar Belkania
Нодар Белкания
Grenzen erkennen, Grenzen anerkennen, Grenzen überwinden
deutsch und russisch
Границы познать, границы признать, границы преодолеть
русский и немецкии
Gruppe 2
Ольга Герасимова
и другие
Olga Gerasimova
und andere
Эвритмия: Воля – чувство – мышление” в Медитации Камня Основы
(пожалуйста взять с собой эвритмические тапочки и
текст медитации (смотри страницу Эвритмия)
русский и немецкий
Eurythmie: Wollen – Fühlen – Denken in der Grundsteinmeditation
(Eurythmieschuhe und Text der Meditation mitbringen. Nähere Angaben siehe Seite Eurythmie.)
Russisch und Deutsch
Gruppe 3
Ханс Хаслер
Hans Hasler
Эфирная география Европы
русский и немецкий
Äthergeografie Europas
Deutsch und Russisch
Gruppe 4
Елена Рынкова
Elena Rynkova
Эвритмия: «Душевный клад таится в сказках сих…» Работа со
сказками фрау Бальде из драм-мистерий Рудольфа Штайнера (смотри страницу Эвритмия)
русский и немецкий
Eurythmie: «Die Märchen sind ein wahrer Seelenschatz». Arbeit an den
Märchen von Frau Balde aus den Mysteriendramen von Rudolf Steiner. (Eurythmieschuhe mitbringen. Nähere Angaben siehe Seite Eurythmie.)
Deutsch und Russisch
Weitere Arbeitsgruppen werden noch angekündigt.
Additional groups will still be added.
Информация о дополнительных группах следует позже.